Chamber of Commerce

Chambers Welcome New Members
The SPCCC would like to welcome:

John Cheney owner of the Piscataquis edition of the Coffee News.


SPCCC Members Renews
The SPCCC would like to thank the
following members for renewing their memberships:
Dover-Foxcroft IGA Family Eyecare
Town of Dexter Town of Monson
Vitality Fitness Center Carols Crafts
Hearts Desire Ellen DeWitt Real Estate
Peaks Kenney Motor Lodge The Trebor Inn
Wildflowers B & B Howard Insurance
Mayo Regional Hospital Lary Funeral Home
AMB Printing Apples & Spices
Bailey Lumber Cahill's B & B
Charlotte White Center Chase & Kimball
Dover True Value North COuntry Properties
Key Bank of Guilford Hobby House
Foxbrook Variety Finestkind Tree Farms
Dexter Shoe  


Chambers Announces Fall Forums
The Southern Piscataquis County Chamber of Commerce announced plans for its series of fall forums, beginning in the month of September. On Wednesday, September 6, 2000 Chris Hall, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the Maine State Chamber of Commerce will be the Chamber's guest speaker at its first Issues & Eggs Breakfast meeting of the year. The meeting will be held at the Covered Bridge Restaurant in Guilford at 7 AM.

On September 27, 2000 the Chamber along with the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council will co-host the Western Mountain Council Alliance candidate's breakfast at the Covered bridge restaurant at 7 AM.

The Chamber will have two public meeting in the month of October. On October 4, 2000 the Chamber will host Transportation Commissioner John Melrose at the Piscataquis Regional YMCA for a special evening beginning at 7 PM.

The Chamber's second Issues & Eggs breakfast meeting will be held on October 12th at 7 AM at the Covered Bridge Restaurant in Guilford. Labor Commissioner Valerie Landry will be the Chamber's guest speaker.

On November 1st the Chamber will host Vaughn Stinson, Executive Director of the Maine Tourism Association at a 7 AM Issues & Eggs Breakfast meeting scheduled at the Covered Bridge Restaurant in Guilford.

If you would like more information about these of future Chamber meetings, contact Dennis Lyford at the Chamber 564-7533.


Welcome Basket Program
The SPCCC would once again like to ask its members for items to put into the Chambers Welcome Basket Program. the Welcome baskets are a way of welcoming new arrivals to the Piscataquis County Region. The baskets are filled with business cards, coupons, brochures, key chains, calendars, pens and other promotional items. The baskets are then given to local real estate agents who present them to new homeowners, who are moving into the area. If you would like to take part in this program contact the chamber at 564-7533 by October 2nd.

Health Care Plan for Chamber Members
In the coming months, the Maine State Chamber will work with local and regional Chambers of Commerce from around the state to introduce the new "Maine Chamber Alliance" health care plan.

While the plan is not a purchasing alliance, it will offer a lower cost alternative to businesses seeking to purchase or maintain health insurance for themselves and their employees.

Starting October 1, 2000, members of both the state chamber and their local chambers will be eligible to participate in a new offering from Anthem\Blue Cross which answers the need for affordable healthcare in Maine. The program, which will include some cost sharing for employees, will provide a more affordable option than many programs currently available. Also offered within the program is a reimbursement account through MaineChoice to lower deductible costs.

For more information, stay tuned. To access other cost-saving measures offered through the "Maine Chamber Alliance," please contact Joe Cooper at the Maine State Chamber by calling (207) 623-4568, ext. #23.

SPCCC Director to attend National Conference
Southern Piscataquis County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Dennis Lyford has been selected to attend the Building Workforce Assets for Quality Community Conference in Denver Colorado. The September 12-14 Conference will focus on workforce development preparing workers for life-long training.

The SPCCC would like to thank the Maine Rural Development Council for providing a grant to the chamber to allow Dennis to attend this conference.

Penquis Building Bridges Program
The SPCCC and the Piscataquis County Economic Development Council have joined together to bring the Building Bridges program to the Piscataquis County Region.

The statewide Building Bridges Program is a collaborative effort of business and education, designed to promote learning and preparation of tomorrow's workforce.

Beginning in the fall of this year, a team of 10 to 20 educators from the regions five school systems will visit local businesses in the Penquis region. The educators will meet with both management and employees to learn about the businesses, history, market conditions, hiring criteria and training requirements. The educators will also receive a tour of the business site.

Southern Piscataquis County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Dennis Lyford explained that the program would offer educators an opportunity, not only to visit a variety of local businesses, but would also give them a better understanding of problems facing local businesses. The goal of the program will be to have local school systems review their curriculum, to what if any changes can be made to better prepare students to enter the workforce.

Lyford feels that the outcomes of this project will be the forming of a partnership between the local school systems, local businesses and economic development organizations, and that this partnership will bring to the region, education programs that will benefit the local economy.

Designed & Maintained by Judy Craig Consulting - Updated: January 20th