CHEt Meetings
CHEt - Cultural Heritage Eco-tourism Committee meetings: Third Monday of each month at Penquis Higher Education Center, Mayo St., Dover-Foxcroft, ME. Meetings are from 6 to 8 pm. Projects include history and culture curriculums in elementary and middle schools, pictoral history of Piscataquis County, Cultural/Heritage/Nature Based Tourism inventories.
For more information, please contact Sylvia Black at 943-5167.
The Library Reading Group in Dover-Foxcroft
The Library Reading Group in Dover-Foxcroft has changed its monthly meeting day. We now meet on the second Thursday of the month.
Contact the Library at 564-3350 for more information.
Name: Nancy Grant
Phone: 564-3098
Piscataquis County 4-H Leaders meeting
Piscataquis County Extension Office
East Main Street Dover - Foxcroft, Maine
2nd Thursday of the month
6:30 PM.
Quarterly Board meetings
The PCEDC Executive Committee approved the following dates for our Quarterly Board meetings. As custom, the final Quarterly meeting of the year will also double as our Annual meeting in which the 2003 budget and personnel contracts will be approved.
Dec. 2nd- Milo (Annual Meeting)
Milo Garden Club monthly meeting
2nd Tuesday each month at 1PM
Milo Town Hall dining room.
There is a speaker and program at every meeting.
The Incubator Without Walls Meetings
second Wednesday of each month
6 to 8 PM
Penquis CAP in Dover.
Brownville and Brownville Junction Selectmen's Meeting
2nd and 4th Thursday every month at 6 PM at the Brownville Town Office.
Subject to change, call the town office to confirm at 965 - 2561.
Milo Selectmen's Meeting
1st and 3rd Tuesday every month in the conference room or dining room (if large turnout) in the Milo town Hall at 6:30 PM.
Subject to change, call the town office to confirm at 943 - 2202.
Milo Planning Board
2nd Tuesday every month in the conference room of the Milo Town Hall at 7 PM. During the active building months (April to October), the Milo Planning Board meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday.
Subject to change, call the town office to confirm at 943 - 2202.
Greenville Selectmen's meeting
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Subject to change, call the town office to confirm at 695 - 2421.
Greenville Planning Board meeting
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Subject to change, call the town office to confirm at 695 - 2421.
Greenville School Board Meeting
3rd Monday of the month in the All Purpose Room Greenville High School.
Abbot Selectmen's meeting
3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 PM at the Abbot Town Office.
Abbot Planning Board meeting
1st Monday of each month at 7 PM at the Abbot Town Office.
Dover-Foxcroft Selectmen's meeting
2nd and 4th Monday every month at 6:30 PM at the Thompson Free Library on East Main Street Dover-Foxcroft.
Dover-Foxcroft Planning Board meeting
1st Thursday every month at 6:30 PM every month at the Thompson Free Library on East Main Street in Dover-Foxcroft.
Sangerville Selectmen meeting
second Tuesday and fourth Thursday each month at 6:30 PM in the Community Room at the Sangerville Town Office.
Sangerville Planning Board meeting
second Thursday at 7 PM in the Community Room in the Sangerville Town Office.
Guilford Selectmen meeting
second Tuesday each month at 7 PM at the Guilford Town Office.